Photo of said alanis cortes Mexico

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2003 - 2008: National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving "La Esmeralda", Bachelor of Fine Arts, Conaculta - Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mexico City.

1992: Initiation School of Art 3, Professional Initiation of Fine Arts, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mexico City.


2008: "Painting Forces" Emerald Gallery, Mexico City.


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2003 - 2008: National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving "La Esmeralda", Bachelor of Fine Arts, Conaculta - Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mexico City.

1992: Initiation School of Art 3, Professional Initiation of Fine Arts, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mexico City.


2008: "Painting Forces" Emerald Gallery, Mexico City.


2009 "Turbulence" History Museum Tlalpan, Mexico City.

2009 "Split and connection points "Leopoldo Flores University Museum, Toluca, Estado de Mexico.

2008 "Ten proposals graphics" Gallery Joaquin Clausell, Campeche, Mexico

2008 "And when I woke up ..." the Quiñonera Gallery, Mexico City.

2008 "104 graduates of the Esmeralda" National Arts Centre-Conaculta, Mexico City.

2008 "samples" First International Video, University of the Americas, Puebla, Mexico.

2008 "Moon, an artistic expression" National Auditorium Gallery, Mexico City.

2007 "Building on the move" Young Creators 2006-2007, Gedovius Germain Museum, San Luis Potosi, Mexico.

2006 "Contemporary Vision of the Emerald" Ollin Yoliztli Cultural Center, Mexico City.

2005 "Second International Biennial of Drawing Sylvia Pawa, Instituto Cultural Mexico-Israel AC. Mexico City.

2005 "Second International Biennial of Visual Arts University, University Museum Leopoldo Flores, Toluca, Mexico State


2007 "Landscape of Dreams", Gallery of Refaccionaria, mural making in conjunction with the artist Patricia Soriano visual, Mexico City.

Oracle Magazine of Poetry 2006, cover design and interior illustrations, number 22, Mexico City.

2001 "Project Yamaide Since June` "San Angel market, sound action in conjunction with visual artist Jun Ya Yamaide, Mexico-Japan Cultural Institute, Mexico City.


2008 "Deafness around us", International Sound Art Festival "Zeppelin", Barcelona, Spain.

2006 International Festival of Music and New Technologies "Visiones Sonoras 2006 ", Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City.

2005 International Sound Art Festival "Sonoma 2006" Monterrey, Nuevo León.

2005 "Exhibition of still images, digitized video and sound work of students from the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving" La Esmeralda ", Shopping Centre Centro Insurgentes, Mexico City.

2005 First International Meeting of Artistic Production in Digital Format, La Plata, Argentina.

2001 "Re-Action, Leveling second conference of oxygen, Ex Teresa Arte Actual, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes-Conaculta, City Mexico.

2000 "Collapse" Leveling the early rounds of Oxygen, Ex Teresa Arte Actual, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes-Conaculta, Mexico City.


2008-09 Mex-Am Fellowship: Vermont Studio Center residency fellowship honorable mention Vermont Johnson, United States of America. 2008 Secretariat of Public Education, Outstanding Artistic Talent Scholarship, Mexico City. 2007 Ministry of Education, Exceptional Artistic Talent Scholarship, Mexico City.

2006 National Endowment for Culture and Arts / Conaculta, Fellowship: Young Artists and performers

Category: Painting, Mexico City.

2006 Ministry of Education, grant exceptional artistic talent, Mexico City.

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